Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I cannot say that I consider this a real post… Today I am feeling a bit introspective and in all honesty a bit defeated. I have worked for the same company for almost 15 years… When you are in your early 30’s like I am you feel like you life is completely invested into something like this. This company I work for was worth multi-millions about 8 months ago and now it seems we are worth our debt today. In the last few months we have had 2 major layoffs, 3 substantial pay decreases and a slow down in daily motion. I wasn’t one of the lay-offs but many good people I’ve known for years were.
Here is my question if I can ask America one things:
What philosophy of life made it possible to open a company like this? Was it, “take from the haves and give it to the have-nots”? Or was it a structure that allowed the have nots to dream and go for it and become a have?
I have seen so many news reports castigating capitalism as if “greed” was that reason of the economic down turn. I am utterly speechless that people feel that some banker making too much money (according to them) affected their own opportunity to make more money. It is a complete non sequitur; one has nothing to do with the other.
We have in our government a party which is emboldened by a failing America. They institute unions that make the individual worthless and give power only to the masses so that those who do not work hard swallow your individual hard work wholly. The Declaration of Independence said in no uncertain terms that “…all men are created equal…” it gave power to the individual. This party continues to raise taxes and hides behind an impenetrable bureaucracy so that you no longer are a human but a social-security number or worse a debtor… These taxes are uses to herd us into brackets and lifestyles that they deem fit according to their ideologies, all the while demanding that Christians leave their values out of the public circle; Ironically forgetting that it was judeo/christian values that created this platform that they want to destroy.
They push their social agenda through public schools and colleges with the same fervor of a totalitarian regime always demanding that they are not funded sufficiently and sacrificing the foot-soldiers, (the teachers) in layoffs and pay-cuts to make their case stronger, leaving behind a bloated and over paid bureaucracy of redundant administration. This inconsistency of vision is never called to the carpet. This structure of paying teachers a fraction of the budget while school officials live over paid lifestyles… Instead the finger is pointed back at bankers and private corporations that actually grow this nation as greedy and over paid. And America’s youth drink it up… And why not? They are conditioned all through school to believe that America is a cancer by teachers who feel the bitter sting of being underpaid… they are taught that the common man is the cure for America, to give the wealth back to “its rightful owners” by Barak Obama (of course Russian history is avoided in our schools…)
I work for a small business which is considered a “person” when it comes to the IRS and President Obama. Any “person” making over $250k a year is “rich”… Well this person has 600 dependants, this person has people who work hard for it so that they can make more. But Mr. Obama TAKES his percentage off the profit of the company, then his percentage off the number of employees it employs, he takes his percentage from the owners that took a risk to create this business that is giving jobs and a future for Americans and then Obama TAKES a percentage out of each check of each employee. Double taxation would be an improvement to this quadruple taxation. Then Obama, wants to increase taxes on energy to discourage its use. So he takes more from the company and more from the people it employs. Then Obama wants to institute Cap and Trade, increasing prices of everyday things, so again the company is paying more out of the pocket.
The better this company does, the harder each person works to make their situation better, the more money the Government steels. WHY? Because Obama’s America is not about giving opportunity, it is about making everyone equal and that means poor…
I understands that the hope that Obama fails is a hope that America succeeds. Both cannot happen…

1 comment:

Childers Corner said...

It's a scary world we live in right now. I worry about what will be left for us by the time we can get him out of office. We just have to keep looking four years ahead to that little glimmer of hope.