Monday, December 8, 2008

A "moral" crisis...

So the sky is falling… or at least it’s allegedly warming or cooling from the irresponsible behavior of humanity, more specifically the United States… There is a quote I love by GK Chesterton,

"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing -- they believe in anything."

What is with this hysteria about Global Warming? Most the people you talk to really have no idea what it implies or what it actually means but they just go along with it as if whether or not you believe in it is some ultimate measure of what kind of person you are…

Chesterton couldn’t have been closer to the truth with the absolute abandonment of common sense in today’s pop culture… Does anyone stop to wonder how there were supposedly glaciers in the middle of North America for God knows how long and now there aren’t? I’m pretty sure the ice age was well before the industrial revolution… But that is just an inconvenient truth…

How is it that Cambodia Moscow, North America and countless other parts of the world have experienced record colds while we are somehow facing “the biggest threat against humanity –ever!” A.K.A. Global Warming? More like Global Stupidity… So, Al Gore wont debate anyone, attacks anyone who disagrees with him as “being paid off by ‘BIG OIL’…” and basically only shows purposefully misleading pictures of nature to back up his ridiculous assertions about the environment… There would be as much validity and a lot of similarity in someone campaigning around the country warning everyone of spontaneous explosions of pets and showing pictures of road kill. But really, how can he be wrong? So many experts agree with him… Like movie stars, and TV stars, MTV, agrees with him, most college student agree with him…But why?

The answer to that is so much deeper than the issue of Global Warming… We live in a world that has declared war on the idea that there is a God and we were created in his image… There is such a struggle in our society with morality and the recognition that humanity as unique beings made with a specific purpose out side of them selves and for God… But in a country who’s majority is so focused on Judeo-Christian Values and morality, how does a politician who has no sense of biblical morality find a moral common ground without this Religious majority without alienating his liberal existentialist constituency?

…He creates an issue that he calls a “moral issue”… Global Warming…

Oh wait… its called “climate change” now…

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